Thursday, 16 June 2011

Stanislaw Had A Box For Everything – Part 4

Without warning, but just as the good psychiatrist had once predicted it would, the office erupted in a cacophony of noise: glass shattering as words long repressed burst screeching through the screens and broke into a thousand fragmented letters, an escaped Fear Bird squawking in bewildered terror, a beach-hatted figure – whom Stanislaw recognised immediately as his old enemy Sub – baseball batting scarred nursery tunes off the violin he had once loved.

“You locked us away, punk! You locked us away!”

The voice was disconcertingly close, startlingly familiar. Stanislaw turned and gasped in horror, not so much at the sight of the pistol protruding from the screen as at the realisation that the hand holding it was attached to his ten-year-old self.

“Why did you do it, Stani? Did you really think we’d never get out?” The face behind the mask laughed mirthlessly and the hand pulled the trigger. Stanislaw felt his mind and body dissolve away.

This ongoing story, "Stanislaw Had A Box For Everything ", is based on ipad fingerpaintings by Matthew Watkins and Cédric Philippe.

Matthew's Fingerpaintings will be on display from June 18th - 26th at the Sala Murat, Bari, Italy.


Vittoria A. said...

Hi Paul, come va? ho scritto una recensione per il tuo bellissimo Dio non sta bene, ti metto il link:

PS A. Cross sono io, sono registrata cosi' su libreria universitaria, spero che vada bene lo stesso, altrimenti rifaccio la registrazione ;) Ancora complimenti, piu' lo leggo e piu' mi piace. L'ho anche consigliato negli acquisti estivi in libreria nel blog La Stamberga e ho citato il tuo incipit. Grazie di cuore anche per le tue parole, sei gentilissimo.
Un abbraccio,

Paul said...

Ciao Vittoria, grazie della tua bellissima recensione e di aver consigliato il libro nel blog! Spero che a te vada tutto bene adesso.
A presto.
Un abbraccio.